Pundaquit Location

How far is Pundaquit from Manila?

Pundaquit is a hundred and sixty kilometer drive from Manila.

How long is the trip from Manila?

It can take four to five hours through public transportation. On average, a bus reaches San Antonio, Zambales in four hours. Still, your total travel time would depend on traffic volume, time of the day, and time spent on stopovers. There are two stopovers, one at Double Happiness, Lubao, Pampanga and another at the Olongapo City bus terminal. The tricycle ride to Pundaquit is 10-15 minutes and the boat ride to Anawangin is 20-30 minutes depending on the weather. It is advisable to start the trip very early in the morning.

If you have your own car, the drive to Pundaquit would take approximately 3 hours through SCTEX.

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